Screening results interpretation , Evaluation of results & make decision


I would like to know how to correctly make decision and interpret the results from SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results' .

I am based on this criteria to evaluate the results and classify the case : suspicious individual (risky) or not

  • Criteria 1 :
"matchScore": 100.0,
"matchStrength": "EXACT",
"secondaryFieldResults": ["fieldResult": "MATCHED"]
  • Criteria 2 :
"resolution": {
"statusId": "5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrop0",
"riskId": null,
"reasonId": null,
"resolutionRemark": null,
"resolutionDate": null

✔ if resolution is null ⇰ Case is False (is not a risky case)

✔ if resolution is not null ⇰ Verify the statusId (POSSIBLE,FALSE,POSITIVE,UNSPECIFIED)

Please let me know if this is correct.


Best Answer

  • Hi @mibaraket

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    We would like to let you know that there are multiple fields such as matchScore, matchStrength fieldResult, resolution etc which we show as part of results endpoint response. So it completely up to you which fields you would like to utilize to make a decision.

    However, the Criteria 1 which you have mention above represents that the entity which you have screened has the exact match on WC1 side. So, basically you can utilize this criteria to make your decision.

    Moreover, for Criteria 2 since the matches are being automatically resolved, the statusId of the auto-resolved match would point to false, and the riskId and reasonId would be null, this indicates that the specific match has been resolved as false by the system. Moreover, since there is no manually action taken on the profile, the resolutionDate would be null. creationDate and the modificationDate on auto-resolved match would be same for auto-resolved matches. Based on these criteria’s you can identify that the match has been auto-resolved as false by the system.
    For more details please refer to our documentation via

    Please free to to reach out to us if you have any additional questions/concerns. OR we can offer you a call so that we can discuss this in detail.

    Vivek Kumar Singh


  • Thank you for your feedback and reactivity.

    It's clear,

    Last question , Can you please explain me how can i classify the case, for exemple :

    • I have this first response : Can i consider the Organisation 'APPLE' as not Risky and I entrust this organisation


    • After resolve the result , I have this second response : Can i consider the Organisation 'APPLE' as Risky(POSITIVE )

    StatusId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwroop / POSITIVE

    ReasonId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrooh / Full Match

    RiskId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrool / HIGH



  • Thank you for your feedback and reactivity.

    It's clear,

    Last question , Can you please explain me how can i classify the case, for exemple :

    • I have this first response : Can i consider the Organisation 'APPLE' as not Risky and I entrust this organisation


    • After resolve the result , I have this second response : Can i consider the Organisation 'APPLE' as Risky(POSITIVE )

    StatusId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwroop / POSITIVE

    ReasonId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrooh / Full Match

    RiskId = 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrool / HIGH



  • Hi @mibaraket, I apologize for the delay in the response!
    I'm not sure if I understand your question very well, but I'll give it a try:

    You can classify the case using the WebUI with the following steps:

    1. Click on ADMIN tab
    2. Click on Groups in the far left pane
    3. Click on the desired group in the middle pane
    4. Click on the Group details tab in the right pane
    5. Under the World-Check section, click Edit on Resolution Toolkit
    6. You should be taken to a new page. Click Edit at the bottom left
    7. Set the resolution and risk states as you wish.
    8. Save

    This feature in the WebUI will allow you to resolve cases according to the standards you have set.

    Please let me know if this makes sense. If I misunderstood - apologies in advance! Feel free to keep reaching out.

